Sunday, March 15, 2009

White Deer Prophesy

Visit the rare white, not albino, deer at the Seneca Army Depot in NY State!

White Deer Prophesy
In the oral tradition of the Lenni Lenape, the "Grandfather People," whom the colonists dubbed the "Delaware Indians," it has long been predicted that there would come a time when a white male and female deer would be seen together, and that this would be a sign to the people to come together. It would be a sign that an historic juncture was soon approaching, and that one of two outcomes would ensue; Either humanity would bring on its own self-destruction and that of all our relations; Or humanity would bring on its own salvation and the restoration of the land and the animals indigenous to it.

The White Deer Prophesy is a message of hope and of Creator's love, of redemption and potentiality of peace, cooperation and responsibility. It is often said that we are our own worst enemy, but on the whole we disclaim responsibility to control our actions. Scientists tell us the seas and oceans are dying. We can clearly see the effects of global warming and of the destruction of the ecosystem that sustains life on this planet. We sit upon stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, enough to kill the population of the earth many times over, and attempt to "shock and awe" each other with heartless displays of violence to get our way.

We call upon God to bless our acts of terror and claim to have Him on our side, and so does the "enemy," whomever they may at the moment be. We are so foolish as to think that happiness can be achieved by owning things, consuming things and destroying things, that insensitivity is strength and greed is a positive motivator. We have the capability to abolish poverty, to put an end to war and create a true heaven on earth, but still we pursue the creation of the opposite.

We Lenape believe that the white deer, as well as the white buffalo, have been sent to us as a "wake up call," a final reminder to "do the right thing" and "get our act together." Now, even the existence of the white deer is threatened by the greed of developers. If we sit by and do nothing, they will be destroyed. If we rally to save them, we begin the process of rallying to save ourselves and all our relations and to preserve a world to pass on to future generations.

Wanishi! (May Your Path Be Beautiful!)
Chief Tom "Big Warrior" Watts
Traditionalist United Eastern Lenape Nation (TUELN)

Well Said.

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